Monday, 29 August 2016

The Animals and the Kids

So we have moved....hence the lack of posts. I'm currently writing this in our rented home in California. OK so whats happened with our pet trio. As I mentioned in the last post, the animals were a difficult topic and boy was I right. I'm so glad I didn't underestimate how emotional it would be.

Freddy the turtle
To be honest Freddy was the easiest to say goodbye to as he was my husbands pet. As he didn't do any tricks the trio were going to be ok saying goodbye (harsh but true). Dh simply asked around and discovered a friend of his cousins was looking for a turtle for their son. We checked that they knew what was required and arranged a pick up. The trio never even noticed he was gone until a day or two before we left.

Kitcat the cat (Dd named her when she was 3 hence the name)

So Kitcat didn't move over with us and if I'm being really honest something I'm still kind of regretting. My main reason for not bringing her over was that I was told by our vet that she would need to become an indoor cat. She has spent 5years roaming our local area as she pleased and I was doubtful she would take very kindly to suddenly becoming an indoor cat. I have since learnt that this is not the case and she would only have needed to stay indoors for a few weeks She is however now homed with a lovely work colleague of mine who had smallies and a dog like us, so I imagine she is very happy. 

 Scribbles the dog
Well with the help of Pets on Board Scribbles made the move with us. This company were amazing and helped me to get everything organised, including what vaccines he would need and even getting his transport kennel built. Many evenings I would think of new questions and they were answered very promptly. I wanted Scribbles to be in California when we arrived so he flew over a few days beforehand, where he was met by J (dh) as he was unboarding the flight.

So after living in California for a few months and watching everyone settle we seen that Dd was really missing her beloved Kitcat. We weren't quite sure what we would do and waited for about three months before deciding that maybe we would get her a kitten. As we are almost sure that we wont be staying in California forever and learning our lesson this little Kitten will be coming home with us when we decide to move. Knowing this has also stopped the trio for asking for any more pets eg fish, lizards, spiders and a baby elephant (Ds2 request) They understand the costs and time factored into moving pets.
This is Kitty our new cat who has settled in really well. Yup she is very similar to Kitcat and nope I
know we get no points for originality in naming our cats.

Any questions please feel free to ask in the comments?

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